We had already established before we arrived that we want to live in or close to the Beach, a popular area in East Toronto.
There’s just something about the neighbourhood; the constant glimpses of the lake as you walk down Queen Street; the shore itself, wide sands curled by rocky breakwaters into a chain of lagoons – a vast expanse of water merges with the horizon to the south, whilst to the west the CN Tower gives graceful focus to the downtown skyline; the beautiful leafy streets lined mostly with heritage homes, from the relatively humble to huge mansions; the lazy bustle of Queen Street, with its streetcars to Downtown, its eclectic selection of shops and eateries; the strong sense of community and identity.
They say that people who come to the Beach to live rarely want to leave.
Hi guys
Great to catch up with how your getting on, all seems to be going really well for you. happy house hunting enjoying the pics. Have a ghoulish halloween.
Sue x