House Hunting – the search begins

Having met with our mortgage advisor on Saturday, we wandered back down from Danforth to Queen through the back streets and, by chance, came on three open houses in a particularly lovely area known as the triangle. Although none suited us perfectly, it was a positive and reassuring start to our search. Indeed, we went back to all three with our realtor as part of a more focussed effort the following day.

21glenmorea 21glenmoreb 35kingsmount

(click on a photo to page through larger versions of all the photos in this post)

mainWe also saw a great investment opportunity triplex further north – not a very pretty house and we decided that, whilst we are willing to do upgrades and a small amount of work, we are doing too much else to want to take on a project of this size. to be honest, I think I’m also pretty hooked on the idea of being at least on the edges of Beach, in a home that I love rather than one that has the greatest income potential!

Later today, after we pick up our new car (I will write about this tomorrow!), we are going to see another batch of houses, including one that, from the pictures, really appeals to us even though it is slightly further from the beach than some, though with the advantage of being really close to the subway on Danforth.

east-lynna east-lynnb east-lynnc east-lynnd

[See a multimedia presentation on this property]

One thought on “House Hunting – the search begins

  1. Hi Paul and Gina,

    Sounds like you guys are settling in up there in the Great White North pretty well. What a big change for you. I’m glad to hear things are moving along nicely and that you’ve found a place to live.

    Now you can see the sites and begin to enjoy ‘life’ there!

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