Species we have seen include:

- Beaver
- Coyote (and Coy-wolf)
- Deer Mouse
- Eastern Chipmunk
- Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
- Evening Bat
- Grey Squirrel (in many tones)
- Groundhog (Woodchuck)
- Mink
- Muskrat
- North American Porcupine
- Raccoon
- Red Fox
- Red Squirrel
- White-tailed Deer

- American Bullfrog
- American Toad
- Common Snapping Turtle
- Dekay’s Brown Snake
- Eastern Garter Snake
- Eastern Ribbon Snake
- Gray Rat Snake
- Gray Tree Frog
- Green Frog
- Midland Painted Turtle
- Northern Leopard Frog
- Northern Water Snake
- Spring Peeper
- Wood Frog

- Butterflies & Moths including:
- Monarch Butterfly
- Eastern Giant Swallowtail
- Five-spotted Hawkmoth
- Dragonflies and Darters including:
- Autumn Meadowhawk
- Spiders including:
- Dark Fishing Spiders
- Furrow Orbweavers
- Other:
- Black fly
- Bumble and Honey Bees
- Cicadas
- Eastern Small Milkweed Bug
- European Mantis
- Fireflies
- Grasshoppers, Crickets and Katydids
- Mosquitos
- Ticks
- Wasps (Yellow Jackets)
See our Carrying Place Wildlife Photo Album for lots of photos!
I am gradually creating a log of all our observations of birds, animals and plants on our land using i-naturalist.
See the separate list for bird sightings.